Wednesday, February 19

Tag: king bed frames at Luxo Living

3 Tips To Decorating Your Home As A Couple Moving In Together For The First Time!

3 Tips To Decorating Your Home As A Couple Moving In Together For The First Time!

If you are moving in with your partner for the first time, everything may seem all cute and cuddles at first, but as the days pass by you will begin to realize just how much patience is required to live with someone. While you are glad that you get to wake up next to your partner every morning, this excitement will soon die down when your partner asks you the best spot to hang a framed jersey of their favorite NFL team. The most tiring part of moving in with your partner is perhaps decorating your home together and learning how to pair your delicate poufs with your partner’s leather recliners. To make moving in a breeze, given below are three tips for decorating your home as a couple moving in together for the first time: 1.     First and foremost set up your bedroom The very first st...