Here you are at the right place for a Secugz review, as you were searching for the Secugz com reviews to find out whether it is legit or a scam.
To help you make an informed decision about Secuge / Secugz, this page offers a concise review to assist you in determining the legitimacy of the company.
Here in this article, within our below section, you will find out all the complete unbiased reviews of secugz com with 100% Proof about this website. – what is it?
Secugz is an online store that retails in New Arrivals, Dresses, T-shirts, Bottoms, BIKINI SET, which sell like hot cakes with Printed cutout one-piece swimsuit, Groovy Baby Button Down in Blue, Casual Long Sleeve Coat and Shorts Two-piece Set, Women’s Casual Suit, Casual Color-block Floral-detail Shirt Dress, Cotton Solid Color Loose Solid Color Dress, Casual Loose Temperament Solid Color Jumpsuit, etc.
According to the whois record, the website was created on 2023-03-14, and its trust score is 1/100. It could be a scam.
The updated scam website list can be found on zero thought, one of the best sites for reviewing online stores.
Secugz website highlights:
Secugz is the name of the website
Send an email to
Address: Times 8 Plaza, Zhi Quan Street, Jinjiang District, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
There is no contact number available
Categories: New Arrivals, Dresses, T-shirts, Bottoms, BIKINI SET, sell like hotcakes
Printed cutout one-piece swimsuit, Groovy Baby Button Down in Blue, Casual Long Sleeve Coat and Shorts Two-piece Set, Women’s Casual Suit, Casual Color-block Floral-detail Shirt Dress, Cotton Solid Color Loose Solid Color Dress, Casual Loose Temperament Solid Color Jumpsuit, etc.
Our payment options include AMEX, Apple Pay, MasterCard, PayPal, and Visa.
Fast shipping takes 7-15 business days.
Secugz Reviews have the following disadvantages:
There is a very low trust score of 1/100 for this website. The website may be a scam, which increases the trust concern.
On its website, there is no social media icon linking to its business-related social media page. This raises concerns about its legitimacy.
Website domain was registered on 2023-03-14, which creates trust issues.
This website has the following advantages:
Consumers are protected by a valid SSL certificate and HTTPS.
Customers have access to all valid and accessible policies.
Provide different types of payment methods such as AMEX, Apple Pay, MasterCard, PayPal, and Visa.
So, you get to know about the negative and positive points about the website. Let’s take a closer look at the points that prove the site is legit or a scam. If you have used this site before, please let us know what you think about it. It can help a lot of people who are confused. Always give feedback.
Read daily articles on to learn about scam websites and prevent yourself from being scammed.
The following points can be used to determine whether the Secugz website is genuine or a scam
The website was created on 14 March 2023
Secugz offers products at low prices, so customers should exercise caution when purchasing from it.
The website may be a scam. You can check it here. Trust Score: 1/100.
Contact address: Times 8 Plaza, Zhi Quan Street, Jinjiang District, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.
Complaints from customers who have shopped at comparable online stores report subpar delivery times, inadequate customer support, and unsatisfactory post-purchase services, suggesting a pattern of poor service.
Email ID: is legitimate
Returns and exchanges: We accept returns of products within 14 days of receiving them.
Here are some frequently asked questions about this online store:
How do they accept payments?
AMEX, Apple Pay, MasterCard, PayPal, Visa are all accepted as payment options.
How long will it take for the order to be delivered?
7-15 business days for fast shipping.
How old is the website?
This website was created on 2023-03-14.
How much is their store’s discount?
Customers should exercise caution when purchasing from Secugz, as it offers products at low prices.
What is the best way to contact them?
According to their website, their contact details are Times 8 Plaza, Zhi Quan Street, Jinjiang District, Chengdu, Sichuan, China,, and Not available.
Here’s how to get a refund if you’re scammed.
Secugz’s Opinion:
According to our manual check up, We’ve concluded that this site has 1/100. This website may be a scam. Trust rating which means that fewer people are visiting it. The website may be a scam. From 100 score for trust. Additionally, the store requires feedback from its customers. Secugz‘s website design and content bear resemblance to several problematic online stores, which could cast doubts on its authenticity and dependability. This similarity in design and content has the potential to affect the website’s credibility. We recommend to do a thorough study of this site prior to making any purchase. You can also find out more list of scam websites in 2023 on Jiolic