Assuming you didn’t misspell the domain name, this business has a medium trust rating. However, there are a few other details to consider.
Based on the Scam Detector’s algorithm, this business is ranked as follows:
62.3 out of 100
Below you will find a review of If you disagree with the review, please leave a comment.
In order to get a sense of what offers, we tried to grab a short phrase from their website:
Because it is trendy and has extensions in many languages, or login credentials on the homepage, chances are you are already familiar with it.
Despite the fact that the above sentence may outline what this website does, there is a chance that its scope may extend beyond that. Below is a review of
Review of has a medium-authoritative rank of 62.3. This rating indicates that the business is Known. Standard. Active.
Based on 50 relevant factors, our Validator assigned a ranking. These include, but are not limited to, an array of factors, including the quality of customer service to small red flags or third parties affecting the website (even if the owners are unaware). In this case, the niche is irrelevant, as malicious attacks happen easier when the security of a website is weak.
In addition to the IP address, we also examine the type of technology used to build the website, SSL certificate, and – most importantly – the presence on blacklists.
It includes its Alexa rank, phishing, spam, and malware scores, as well as its relative/connection to suspicious sites.
Information additional to the above
Despite their success, even great businesses can have complaints or unhappy customers – just think of the people who give thumbs down to incredible YouTube videos. The same is true for everything related to this industry.
However, we still urge you to be cautious when doing business with Our review and rank are created confidently on the basis of powerful factors, however common sense and attention to detail are key.
Check out how to stay safe online for more information.
Do you think is a scam?
We want to hear from you so that we can improve this rating and help more people along the way. Did you find this website through an Instagram or Facebook ad? Email blast? Was a scam? Use the box below to share your experience, or leave a review/comment at the bottom of this page.
Feel free to contact us if you own this site.