
What Is Lupus? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

What Is Lupus? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Lupus can be an autoimmune health issues - definition the immunity mechanism does not operate properly and episodes a person's possess figure by gaffe - and it also affects many internal organs all through the physique. In healthy consumers, our bodies manufactures healthy proteins labeled as antibodies to battle away from unknown intruders, such asviruses and bacteria, and fungi. In those that have lupus, antibodies cannot separate foreign intruders and also body’s have tissues and cells. The current theory is that with lupus, these autoantibodies attack cells and tissues, causing inflammation, which can lead to arthritis, lupus rash, kidney damage, and other symptoms and health problems, according to the Lupus Foundation of America.right up arrow Lupus is “the epitome of autoimmune...