Tag: conscious books to read

Conscious Living 101: 5 Books & 5 Documentaries That Will Open Your Eyes To The “Why” Behind Conscious Living!
Life style

Conscious Living 101: 5 Books & 5 Documentaries That Will Open Your Eyes To The “Why” Behind Conscious Living!

Getting Educated Around The Issues It's tough to actually live a conscious lifestyle without being familiar with the why behind what we’re doing. Exactly why is shopping less this kind of important key to take? What's your own role in global warming? Why must we stop purchasing from fast fashion brands? Why must we reduce meat consumption? Taking care of of investing in your way to conscious living means ongoing education and diving deep in to the issues and industries which are causing and adding to problems like human trafficking, global warming, present day slavery, and poverty. These documentaries and books were produced and compiled by people originating from multiple perspectives with diverse passions and findings. Yet, they all have arrived at exactly the same conclusion: change...