These are the top Airbnb trends and destinations for 2022!

I know full well the travel industry continues to be among the worst hit throughout the pandemic, although some people might interesting trends emerged, with United kingdom vacationers embracing staycations, hosting and remote working.

Here, Catherine Powell, Global Mind of Hosting at Airbnb, talks us with the travel platform’s new launches, and what to anticipate for 2022.

How has got the pandemic altered the way in which people travel?

It’s were built with a revolutionary effect on how people travel. Individuals have more versatility, they expect more versatility, we’re seeing companies offer more versatility, meaning people can truly travel anytime, anywhere, and may stay longer. Now lengthy term stays (4 weeks or even more) take into account 20% in our business.

The other trends have you ever seen emerge this season?

The important thing trend continues to be versatility: people can travel anywhere and anytime, they aren’t fixed by dates, or fixed by where they would like to go. So in May, we introduced the ‘I’m flexible’ feature, that was about that. Which include has been utilized over half a billion occasions already.

We’ve added four new groups too: ‘ski in, ski out’, ‘luxe’, ‘off the grid’, and a few very awesome eco retreats. Actually, eco accommodations happen to be among the fastest growing groups that individuals are searching for right now. Then there exists a crazy one known as ‘offbeat’, that are really eccentric listings. For instance within the United kingdom, there exists a UFO, we’ve the Spice Women bus then one known as a Moon conker. These unique listings have become 45% because the pandemic, and it is all driven through the trend of versatility.

Has hosting elevated considerably?

There has not been more curiosity about hosting. We’d 100,000 metropolitan areas which have had a minumum of one Airbnb booking this season and 6,000 metropolitan areas have experienced it the very first time. We’ve over 4 million hosts and 90% seem to be individuals, they’re students or retirees, they’re health workers or teachers. Another feature that people just introduced, known as ‘Ask An Excellent Host’, where one can question them about everything from photos, things to call your listing, if your house is interesting enough etc, a kind of mentorship. We’ve over 500 ambassadors now.

Are you able to earn a living from hosting on Airbnb?

Goodness, yes. Within the United kingdom alone, hosts made £225 million, because the pandemic new hosts have earned over $12.8 billion. The typical host within the United kingdom pocketed around £1,000 this summer time. Ladies have been especially impacted by the pandemic, along with a couple of have switched to hosting consequently. Now 55% in our hosts are women. By opening their houses and discussing their passions, they’ve with each other earned an exciting-time figure of $70 billion1 since 2008 – with new female hosts earning greater than $1 billion through Airbnb in only twelve months following the beginning of the pandemic.

What rentals are people searching for?

Individuals are travelling in bigger groups because they’re travelling using their family, so you’ve seen a requirement for bigger homes, we view that they’re travelling using their pets. So we’ve told our hosts to simply accept pets to obtain more bookings. These were concerned about cover pet damage, so we’ve now introduced a dog fee.

With individuals working at home more, Wi Fi continues to be essential. It’s the 3rd most looked for feature, therefore we introduced it as being a filter. It’s now been used 288 million occasions. We introduced a Wi Fi speed tool for hosts.

We’re extremely happy with our ease of access features. We’ve 13 different filters for visitors, like a step free entrance, an entrance that’s wider than 32 inches, a grab bar. We’ve introduced a very rigorous process where any host who would like to promote their accessible feature, needs to send us photos, then our trained experts check them for precision. We’re helping hosts understand what’s needed after which giving confidence to vacationers with disabilities who require that security.

Could it be tricky to adjust to individuals changes?

We’re constantly innovating. Our two greatest strengths are that we’re agile along with a tech company within the travel business. Therefore we can respond through innovation and product. And next, our hosts who are able to respond instantly. When we keep these things type of accept pets, they are able to do that they’ll do this instantly. Therefore the heart in our resilience throughout the the pandemic and appearing out of the pandemic, is having the ability to respond really rapidly, to trends to altering requirements of visitors, after which so that you can setup our hosts for achievement.

What travel trends and destinations are we able to expect in 2022?

Within the United kingdom particularly, we had the most wonderful staycations, a renaissance from the from the British summer time holiday with destinations like Sandgate in Kent or Seaburn in in County Durham. What we’re seeing now once we turn to the wintertime holidays, as well as for 2022, tend to be more diverse locations because of the borders opening.

We’re seeing trending locations in The country. However these aren’t always the large metropolitan areas. This really is Cordoba, or Seville, and individuals will also be thinking about Trondheim in Norwegian, is trending in growth along with other locations like Dubrovnik and Marseille. Individuals are searching to visit, but they’re searching to visit in additional interesting European destinations, not always the large metropolitan areas they visited before.

The very best 10 metropolitan areas globally was once 11% in our revenue, and today that’s gone lower to sixPercent. We continuously see versatility, we continuously see longer stays and remote working.